A Man of Valor is Prepared
“Be Prepared” is not just a great Boy Scout motto—it is a worthy motto for men of valor, too! The Bible tells us many times to be ready, be alert, be on guard, be prepared.
God Is on the Move!
All over the world men tell us they see decay in their culture and crave to understand God’s mission for them as husbands, fathers, and church and community leaders.
We Are MOVing Forward in 2025!
MOV is growing more than it ever has before! Why? As one pastor said, “Our men need more direction than ever before.” Please stand with MOV and help us meet the growing needs and requests!
Australia, Please!
Well, why not? Lord willing, in 2025 we will be actively working on five continents. It’s so exciting for us to see the growth of Men of Valor International.
Training Leaders. Reaching Men.
around the world.
Men of Valor International is a missions organization that takes God’s Word to men around the world. Working with local pastors, we host men’s conferences where we teach biblical manhood, distribute Bibles, establish local men’s ministries, and launch discipleship groups for a lasting impact.

Across the globe, there is a desperate need for men to follow Jesus Christ and lead their families and communities. Similar to the Apostle Paul who was called to take the Word to specifically to gentiles, we are called as missionaries to take the Word to men.
Change the lives of men, change the world

Most international churches have few men, and their pastors are not equipped to change that. Scripture, however, is clear about how crucially important God views men. MOV International teaches about a man’s position in Christ, his godly priorities, and strengthening practices.

Jumpstart Conference

Our biblical manhood jumpstart conference helps men understand how God sees them, His role for them, and how He has equipped them. Each man receives a Bible in their language. We also equip pastors with extra training on how to begin a men’s ministry and attract men to their churches. If we can change the man, we can change the marriage, the family, the workplace, the church, and the community.

Our Missionaries Need Your Support

We need donors to support our international mission of taking the gospel and discipleship to men around the world. Your monthly donation of any amount helps purchase Bibles, print conference notebooks, and assists with other conference expenses.

Country Underwriting

If you have a heart and a passion for a specific region or country, give us a call about underwriting some or all of the cost to take a men’s conference to that nation.

Church Mission Trips

If your church already is supporting missionaries in various countries, take us with you. Sponsor a Men of Valor International conference in your mission field. Make a difference in the lives of men in the places you love.

Sign up for the MOV International Newsletter

Sign up through our online form to receive advanced notice about upcoming men’s conferences as well as after action reports on the success and good news from each location.