Full-Time MOV Director!

This is the 20th year of Men of Valor International—twenty years of volunteer service that was at first occasional, then part time, then half time. But now…

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God at Work in Malawi and Peru

Charles (Malawi team lead) reported that his conference in Mzimba, the largest district in Malawi, had 104 church leaders, churched and unchurched men. 15 pastors launched men’s discipleship groups.

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MOV in the U.S.

Men of Valor held a 3/4-day conference at Community Bible Church in South Carolina for more than 200 men who came from eight churches, some even traveling from other states.

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What God Wants

Given the current state of our nation and world, it’s clear that people are still confused about what God wants.

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Christmas—The Gift of God’s Love

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus and the eternal gift of salvation God gives to us, I am grateful for your prayers and financial gifts that enable MOV to take the Word of God to men around the world.

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Encounters with God

We celebrate because of the good news that a Savior was born for all people. The Creator of the universe came to have an encounter with us and save us. 

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Thank You for Standing With Us!

As we come to the end of the year and anticipate the Lord’s work in the New Year, we want to thank you for your clear ministry of prayer and giving in our lives and those of the men, marriages, families, churches, and communities that MOV has reached in 2023.

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