Charles (Malawi team lead) reported that his conference in Mzimba, the largest district in Malawi, had 104 church leaders, churched and unchurched men. 15 pastors launched men’s discipleship groups. The men were challenged with the messages. Some pastors said that though they had seen that men didn’t like going to church, they never realized that was a problem of the church by not involving the men!
Charles also went to the Mwanza district to teach 122 church leaders and men. One unchurched man was saved! The men declared they would use what they learned to make an impact in their churches and communities. 15 pastors from various churches started discipleship groups in this district, too.
MOV Board Members Peter, Ed, and John held a second round of conferences in Peru even though the whole team came down with Dengue Fever! Satan was working, but in each session, someone was able to teach anyway. Then, according to a local pastor, the gathering of church leaders and churched men from several denominations in Arequipa, was the largest men’s event in 10 years! Most of these men work in the nearby mines 6 or 7 days a week. Their days are long and arduous, but they were effusive in their thanks for the training. The MOV team also held a morning teaching in a local prison, and all agreed to join a discipleship group. The men resonated with Peter, Ed, and John’s personal stories of God’s work, helping them to understand the teachings and God’s practical help and care at times of deep need.

What They Said
“I have been reminded not to involve myself with evil things.”
Feliki M.
“I have been transformed through this conference, and I will be exemplary.
Samson W.
“After attending this conference, I desire to have a good legacy which gives glory to God, family, church, and society.”
Frank M.
“I used to reach out to train women because I thought men were naturally stubborn. Now I have understood that we don’t create a conducive atmosphere for men…I am now committing myself to reaching out and discipling them through Bible studies.”
Restar C.
Please Pray
Safety and good health for teachers.
Political stability in the countries considering conferences.
Wisdom and God’s timing for conferences.
More US churches to host MOV conferences.