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One of MOV’s Most Exciting Years!

“Now I know that God created me in His image. I am a man of valor; I can live in victory.” (J. Kizenga, Tanzania)

The tagline Living as a Man of Valor echoes Mr. Kizenga’s statements: When you know who you are, you’ll know how to live.

Men worldwide are struggling to know who they are. And relatively speaking, few are teaching them.

But what is the single biggest contributor to corrupt governments, poverty, abortions, absent fathers, single parenting, crime, war? Ungodly men. A men’s leader said, “The most dangerous thing in the world is an undiscipled man.” If churches ignore the men—given their enormous influence for good or evil— marriages falter, families fail and children go astray, and churches and communities decay.

We must reach men.

With your prayers, support, and God’s leading, Men of Valor International is fulfilling the command to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19). MOV is reaching men.


Discipleship Groups: So far this year, new MOV discipleship groups have launched in 5 countries: Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Guinea, Ghana, Mexico, and Peru.

Conferences: National country leaders in Africa have conducted 11 conferences and are planning 14 more! US-based teams have gone or will go to Mexico and Peru twice, and to Romania in October. Plans have finalized for two conferences in The Netherlands in 2025. Discussions have begun for conferences in Kenya, Niger, Gambia, and Turkey.

New Team Launch: We are launching a new country team in Peru this summer!

Podcasts: Men’s discipleship podcasts will soon be available anytime for men who attend conferences.

Check out this video on the recent Mexico conferences from our partner!


Many U.S. churches have a struggling men’s ministry – or none at all. This is extremely concerning, not merely because men are faltering all around us, but because men’s ministry is the incubator for church leadership!

Summits: The Lord has led MOV to launch a new offering to U.S. churches to help meet this need. Our Men of Valor Summit is 5.5 hours of solid teaching on biblical manhood to jumpstart men’s discipleship. The Summit features the three most important MOV messages. MOV will lead or speak at men’s events in five states in 2024.

Leader Development: At the request of several churches, MOV is working on a flexible plan to disciple men, leading to elder development—starting with a strong men’s ministry. A pilot strategy workshop for elders, staff, and leaders will be held this summer in Pennsylvania.

…all while promoting an overseas focus! Let’s be clear—by adding ministry in the US, MOV is not watering down its international focus. US church men’s ministry assistance is also designed to encourage churches to sponsor overseas conferences or conduct their own men’s discipleship initiatives in other countries. Read more here.


An early desire of MOV was to train budding pastors to pursue men right out of the gate. If pastors do, they will reach entire families and see greater church growth and community impact from the start.

Following the success of an interterm course at Tyndale Seminary (The Netherlands) in 2023, they have asked us to return in 2025 to repeat the 2-week intensive.

This spring, MOV spoke with 15 Christian colleges and seminaries. None have a men’s ministry major, minor, certification, or even seminar, and no representative could recall any training about discipling men. Could the course done at Tyndale work effectively elsewhere? Is this also something the Lord wants us to do? We are probing interest and praying for the Lord’s leading.

This is turning into one of the most exciting years in the history of Men of Valor!

Discipling men is of strategic importance. Would you partner with us as we step out to do conferences in more countries, aid US churches, and potentially reach pastors-in-training at educational institutions around the world? Maybe God is speaking to you about the needs in a specific country, such as Romania? Peru? Mexico?

Would you give toward one or more of these projects:

  • Local-language Bibles for men attending international conferences: $16,000
  • MOV-Libera team to conduct 9 conferences in West Africa: $27,000
  • MOV-Malawi & Tanzania teams to conduct 5 conferences in East Africa: $15,000
  • Conduct the first MOV conference in Romania: $5,000
  • Conduct two US-led conferences in Peru & launch country lead: $9,000


Brad Smith became our full-time Director in March! The Lord led Brad to launch MOV to bring the message of the role, responsibilities, and value of a biblical man to the world. MOV’s growth warrants a full-time director, and Brad going full-time culminates his many years of experience that the Lord used to prepare him for this role. We the Board of Directors believe that under Brad’s leadership, MOV will continue to be used by our Lord in a very meaningful and expanded way for His glory.

We understand the personal sacrifice that Brad and Mary Kay have made to go full-time at MOV. Would you support Brad & Mary Kay monthly? They need 20 family units giving $200/month; 10 giving $100/month and 5 giving $50/month.

We hope that you are as excited about how the Lord is using MOV as we are!

We humbly ask for your prayers to be in His will, and that MOV would be used in a mighty way for Jesus Christ—around the world!

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