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MOV in Southeast Asia

Members of a local church in Virginia have traveled to Southeast Asia many times in recent years, leading evangelistic outreaches, VBS, and sports camps, but this year they decided to target men, so their Men’s Ministry leader contacted MOV.

MOV explained what we do and how, and we gave our core messages to the church. The team traveled to SE Asia and taught four sessions to the local ministry team. They said that this pilot was so well received that the missionaries the VA church works with are looking at expanding throughout the nation. 

One missionary wrote, “My passion is to see the churches disciple our men to be godly, kingdom men. Missing from the culture here are good godly examples of how men are supposed to live. I have a burden to challenge men and help them see how important their role is as men.”

Another North American missionary shared that he’d been tired, frustrated, and discouraged and was about to leave the field when he attended the conference. He said afterwards that he was a changed man because the conference helped him to better understand what it meant to be a man of God. 

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