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MOV Conference in Nairobi

Peter Larison and I conducted a conference in Kibera (Nairobi), Kenya, in February 2016.

Our host, Bishop Timothy Mulehi, has planted several churches in Kibera, Nairobi―reportedly the largest slum in Africa. Despite the hardships, with 1 million people in cramped quarters, 180 men―pastors and leaders from fifty churches, as well as churched and unchurched men―received the MOV message with exuberance at African Inland Church of Kibera. Ten men stood to commit to immediately launch and lead men’s discipleship groups.

Pastor Francis O. told us: “The way you spoke about Gideon and other men of valor seemed to give me permission to take the full steps to provide leadership both in church and at home without faulting myself, and to be grateful that I have so much to give to God and to my family.”

Peter and I enjoyed the enthusiastic Kenyan worship as well as their boisterous camaraderie. Many men spoke English and came to us throughout the conference with appreciation and thanks. As in most of the other countries we’ve been to, men repeatedly said, “We have not heard teaching on biblical manhood before!” Teaching biblical manhood is the heart of MOV. If the Lord changes even just a few men, the community will be impacted.

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