The ministry of Men of Valor goes on long after we have left an area. Our conferences are the start of a whole new life for men!
Pastors like Steve Njenga from Kenya continue to send reports years after we have been there. Steve told us that men’s groups begun as a result of conferences in Eburru (2014) and Naivasha (2017) have continued to meet regularly ‒ providing strength, encouragement, and teaching to those men. We know that impacts their families and communities, too.
And, look at this testimony that I received from a pastor who attended an MOV conference in 2016:
Thanks, Brother Brad Smith, for the teaching. We are married for 20 years, and God has blessed us with four children. Before I got these teachings, I was dedicated to the church and missions in the name of serving God, and I had no time with my children and wife. My family was almost torn into parts. When I attended your conference in Kibera [Kenya], that was an eye opener. I love my wife, Nancy, and the children, and now we serve God together.
Because of the teaching I received, I also went to organize men in KAYOLE, and families are helped there. I thank God for Bishop OYUGI, who is helping me. So far, pastors have rededicated their marriage to God and offer Glory to God.
Thanks, Man of God.
Evans A.
Conferences are the start of a whole new life for these men. They are not just one more learning opportunity for the men; MOV conferences have usually been their only opportunity. Most of the men haven’t already been attending men’s Bible study. They don’t have a conference today, a men’s breakfast next weekend, and a men’s retreat coming along in a couple months. What we offer them is all they get. That’s why this ministry is CRUCIAL – because it is the beginning of a discipleship process that can transform their world.