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MOV On Lookout for Absent Men

Many news headlines this year have been about absent fathers.

The America First Policy Institute wrote on May 15 that approximately 18.3 million (1 in 4) children live without a father in the home. The article reports that those children are twice as likely to suffer from mental health and behavioral problems as those living with married parents, whereas children with an actively engaged father perform much better in school.

A Fox News article on June 17, “America’s Crisis is a Lack of Fathers,” stated: “85% of children and teens with behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes, [as well as] over 70% of all adolescent patients in drug and alcohol treatment centers…”

Larry Elder claimed in the August 22 Newsweek, “The number one social problem in America is not systemic racism. It is the epidemic of fatherlessness.” Lee Habeeb, also in Newsweek, said, “It turns out, according to a recent nationwide study of faith and relationships, that fatherlessness is a root cause of Christianity’s collapse over the past 40 years in America. The same study also provided a ray of hope for American Christians. No social institution in the nation is better situated to tackle the fatherless problem…than the church…” (June 16).

The church.

MOV conferences are completely focused on this solution. We see the urgent need to teach the church to center on men in order to save their marriages and their families, and in so doing, their communities.

Thank you for your prayers and recent generous giving to MOV’s important work.

What They Said

I was not the same after I attended an MOV conference. I came to understand that we have more women than men in our churches because the messages catered to women. I learned to balance the teachings to attract men also. I now make conferences just for men, and I lead a large men’s group. Our men are now building a church.
Bernard C. (Zambia)

I have been assured that I am a
mighty man of valor, and I should
take up my responsibilities as a leader of my family and as a man of the Word. I know the importance of taking initiative and responsibilities that will bring my family closer to God
David T. (Liberia)

Prayer Requests

Political stability in countries
requesting MOV conferences.

More US churches to sponsor
international MOV conferences.

Living as a Man of Valor Men’s
Nov. 18 at
Community Bible Church,
Beaufort, SC.

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