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Invest in Men

The sermons of Man of Valor assisted me very much. You really encouraged me, for I was a man who was so scared of taking risks for my family. Because of this, I failed my home and things could not move the way they should. Today I sing a new song, and my family has changed! The church has been revived, and twenty-five men were reached through pool games, and eighteen of them have registered as members of our church.
– Thomas M. (Malawi)

For marriages, families, churches, and communities to flourish, they need men of valor.

To reach and build men of valor, men need to understand what Christ offers them, who they are in Christ, and  their God-given roles and responsibilities in their marriages, families, churches, and communities. Once men know these truths, they step up and live as men of valor. And like the quote above, it influences their homes, their churches, and men in the community!  We are seeing testimonies like this repeatedly. Will you invest in men? Men of valor all over the world need Men of Valor International.

Will you MOVe Forward with us?

Through the seeds of solid biblical truth that MOV plants, marriages and families have  revived and men’s discipleship groups have formed, grow, and multiply. In Malawi alone, well over 1,500 men have come to Christ through hundreds of new men’s discipleship groups! Pastors report growing churches, less family counseling, completed church repairs, and even new churches planted by men who have attended MOV conferences in years past!

To MOVe Forward, we need more individuals and churches to stand with us. For the men. For their marriages. For their families. For their churches. For their communities. For lasting impact.

Men around the world need YOU!

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